Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How Did I Get Here?

by bitingmylip

When I wake up in the morning I give myself a few minutes to focus.

If I don’t recognise the room I’m in, I close my eyes and breathe in ten breaths. Then I open my eyes and look to my right. I always sleep on the right side of the bed. If I sleep on the left side of the bed I have to do everything twice. So if I look to my right and there is someone there it means I have slept on the wrong side of the bed so I have to close my eyes again and breathe in twenty breaths and then do everything the wrong way round. But it is very rare that I sleep on the left side of the bed. No matter who I am with.

If I am in a room I don’t recognise and I am sleeping on the right side of the bed I will look to my right and if there is a dressing table there, I will count the amount of items on top of the table. If there are not many items on the table I will count them twice. If there is no dressing table I will just look at the wall and count ten breaths.

Then I will look up at the ceiling again and try and remember how I got there. If I don’t remember after I have taken twenty breaths I will look to my left. If the person sleeping there is facing me I will usually remember him. If I don’t I will turn my back to him and count ten breaths. Sometimes if they are awake and see me looking they will say something but I can’t reply till I have counted ten breaths. After ten breaths I will turn and face him again.

If he has his back to me when I turn to the left, I will not always recognise him. Then I will look up at the ceiling and count twenty breaths. Then I will turn to my left again and pat him on his back until he turns around.

If he turns round and I don’t recognise him I will close my eyes and breathe as many breaths as I can before he says anything. I try to count ten breaths but sometimes they say something and I have to open my eyes.

Usually I recognise them. But if I do not know them at all and I still do not know where I am I count as many breaths as I can and then I make my face go blank and complain of my hangover until he says something that gives away where we were the night before. Then I will smile and ask for a glass of water. I always smile. Even if I do not think I meant to wake up in his room I will smile. Even if he is aggressive and rude I will smile.

If I wake up and I do recognise the room I am in, I only have to count ten breaths while facing the ceiling. If I am in my own room I will get up out of the right side of the bed and fetch a glass of water. There are six items on top of my dressing table in the morning: an alarm clock, a glass, my watch, a scented candle, a photograph, and the sleep mist that I spray on my pillow. When I put my watch on to wear in the day I move the items around to hide the space where the watch was so there are only five items visible but it doesn’t look like there is something missing.


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